6 Natural Skin Care Shopping Tips

6 Natural Skin Care Shopping TipsLet’s face it; we all want natural products for our…

6 Natural Skin Care Shopping Tips

Let’s face it; we all want natural products for our bodies, including our skin. However, the amount of information out there can be overwhelming, especially when you are natural skin care shopping.

Cosmetic companies spend millions of dollars on advertisements to convince us how good and natural their products are for our skin. With so many claims out there it’s difficult to determine what is natural and what is not.

Personally, I wasn’t willing to trust fancy ad campaigns and beautiful models. So, I started doing some research and I came up with some easy tips everyone should know before doing any natural skin care shopping.

1. Big brands are not always good for you. Many of the big brand cosmetics spend more money on their ad campaigns then they do on their ingredients. Be careful, shop around and read labels.

2. Browse the internet. Some of the best products can be found on the internet. There are a lot of companies producing great products for your skin and some of them advertise exclusively on the World Wide Web. So while you are doing your natural skin care shopping, don’t forget to check the internet.

3. Read labels. I can not emphasize this enough. The ingredients listed on the back of the product are there for you, the consumer. Use it to your advantage and read the label of every bottle. If you are internet shopping then make sure the ingredients are listed directly on the web site.

4. Use products containing natural oils. Grape seed, macadamia, and avocado oils are all excellent moisturizers. They penetrate the skin deeper than man made products and work naturally with your body to create strong, flexible skin.

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FYI – Mineral oil is something to avoid while you are natural skin care shopping. Mineral oil will create a barrier between your skin and the air making it feel effective. However, this oil will clog your pores and often cause acne breakouts.

5. Feed your skin. Your skin is the largest organ in your body and it needs nourishment. Look for products with ingredients that give your skin the vitamins and minerals it needs. Include a natural vitamin E in your daily skin regiment and your skin will reward you by looking and feeling fantastic.

6. Include antioxidants. Antioxidants combat the free radical damage caused by sun exposure. Phytessence wakame (Japanese sea kelp) and Coenzyme Q10 are excellent antioxidant ingredients.

Now that you know this, natural skin care shopping can be easy. Treat your skin with natural ingredients that work with your body and you will soon see the difference in how your skin glows. So go out there, list in hand, and remember to read labels.