4 Ways To Save With Grocery Coupons

4 Ways To Save With Grocery CouponsWith the economy still in a deep rut, most…

4 Ways To Save With Grocery Coupons

With the economy still in a deep rut, most of us are looking for ways to cut back on our expenses at the grocery store. Grocery coupons are a natural way to do that if you do not mind the hassle of clipping and storing them. What you may not know is that there are several easy, less time consuming ways to save on food when using grocery coupons.

The first thing is to get the lowest everyday price on the things you are looking to buy before you go shopping. Starting with a low price before deducting your coupon savings makes for additional savings and means you will spend less time looking for a good deal as you shop. With the additional savings of the coupons you will also maximize the savings you do find. A good place to look for low everyday pricing is the big box stores like Target and Walmart. Most carry food and their prices are low to begin with. Special price reductions will save you even more as you shop, and both do accept manufacturer’s cents-off coupons at the register.

Secondly, save time when clipping coupons to make using them less of a hassle. I keep the fliers from the Sunday paper and do not bother to clip the coupon unless I will use it. Selectively coupon clipping takes a lot less time and is a much easier process than clipping and filing every coupon.

Thirdly, use electronic grocery coupons whenever possible. Wireless coupons delivered to you cell phone, iPhone or loaded to your grocery store rewards card require no clipping at all. What is more, you can not forget to bring the discounts with you and you get automatic savings at the checkout.

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Lastly, do not forget about printable coupons. There are many sites online that offer grocery coupons, fast food coupons and other discounts that you can print from your computer at home. Again, these are time savers, because you really only print and clip what you will use.